Reformed Reflections

Audio recordings of the writings of puritans and reformed pastors, as well as daily devotionals.

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Tuesday Apr 16, 2019

"In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, holiness unto the Lord" (Zechariah 14:20)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of all believers.

Sunday Apr 14, 2019

"The desires of the righteous shall be granted." - Proverbs 10:24
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of all believers.

Saturday Apr 13, 2019

The desires of the righteous shall be granted.
(Proverbs 10:24)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

Friday Apr 12, 2019

Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body.
(Philippians 3:21)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

April 12: He Remembers No More

Thursday Apr 11, 2019

Thursday Apr 11, 2019

For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. (Jeremiah 31:34)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

April 11: Close Fellowship

Thursday Apr 11, 2019

Thursday Apr 11, 2019

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 31:34)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

April 10: Look and Live

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shalt come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

Monday Apr 08, 2019

"Great peace have they which love Thy Law: and nothing shall offend them"   (Psalm 119:165)
Faith's Checkbook is a daily devotional originally published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1888 and is in the public domain. This and all other recordings in this series are presented free of charge for the edification of believers around the world.

Monday Apr 08, 2019

April 7: Without Fear of Men

Saturday Apr 06, 2019

Saturday Apr 06, 2019

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